For fifteen years, Jacob's geometric mind excelled at growing luxury brands and media companies, while his intuition quietly whispered of different possibilities.
When he finally tuned in to that inner voice, everything shifted. Through a deep exploration of vibrational laws, Jacob discovered they perfectly mirrored the patterns his mind had always seen in nature.
Now, as the founder of OhmBrella, Jacob channels his strategic mind and entrepreneurial spirit into creating immersive experiences that generate the kind of wealth you feel in your bones. Through retreats, workshops, and transformative programs in nature, he shares the practices and perspectives that have fundamentally changed his own life.
These days, you'll find Jacob splitting his time between building sustainable systems in retreat locations, holding space for others on their journey, and deepening his own practice. Drawing from extensive study in nutrition, movement, and ancient wisdom traditions, he's developed approaches to transformation that consistently create tangible results.
What began as a personal journey of alignment has naturally evolved into something bigger - a space where others can discover their own capacity for vivid, expansive living. Because when you find something that works this well, sharing it becomes the obvious next step.

Deep in the English countryside sits a 14-acre ancient woodland that catalyzed OhmBrella's creation. This space, with its foundation of Beech and Hazel coppice, called to Jacob in 2019 - not as a venue or retreat center, but as a personal laboratory for growth and understanding.
The ongoing work of removing non-native species and conifer to restore the woodland's natural balance is intensive, expensive, and entirely hands-on. Jacob, alongside a small circle of trusted longtime collaborators, maintains and develops this space through consistent physical effort and careful stewardship.
Within the woodland, an off-grid micro-sanctuary has emerged, built entirely by hand. Here, geometric structures and movement practice areas integrate with natural pathways, creating a private space where Jacob continues to deepen his own practice and understanding.
This is not a commercial venue but a protected space for learning and development. Access is intentionally limited to existing clients by personal invitation only, maintaining the woodland's integrity and allowing it to serve its true purpose - as a living classroom where natural patterns reveal themselves through dedicated practice.
For existing clients interested in experiencing this unique space, conversations about private visits can be opened at the appropriate time in your journey.

Will Reynolds AKA "Tree-Net Willy" is the master behind the teaching program on the Weaving Magic Retreat. He is an originator in the field of Tree-Net weaving having been focusing on this creative building skill for the last 17 years. The Weaving techniques have taken Will across the world hand making these suspended structure and platforms, on every continent and in every climate, for a huge range of institutions, festivals, playgrounds and private projects.
In 2023, Will met Jacob and began to teach him the craft, as they created their first net installations together. The installation project gave birth to the further collaborations you see today, both in the form of TreeNets UK (a business dedicated to installation projects and executions) and the Weaving Magic Retreat - the first and only ever TreeNet Weaving and Healing Retreat.
Will is a living example of a master in his craft and visionary artisan. He lives a life of fun, travel, creativity and community, alongside his obvious talent and infectious character. His dedication and mastery of his medium is an inspiration in itself and that is a vital part of working with him. His structures create a powerful stimulus for others, creating space within nature that promote healing and fun. Will is the dream partner for OhmBrella is the shared love of creative adventures and immersive experiences that give back more than they take.