This film was made during the Weaving Magic Retreat in September 2024. The only retreat in the world to blend holistic lifestyle and healing, with masterclass learning of tree net weaving.
The retreat was produced by myself, with my amazing OhmBrella team, in collaboration with Will Reynolds of Tree-Net Willy's LLC and his fellow weavers.
Alternative Youtube Link:
The OhmBrella retreats and group creative experiences are a personal dream come true, and they are designed to help others realise their own dreams. It's a culmination of my 20 years experience and inspiration in the holistic and transformational world, and the recent five years into hands-on nature conservation and structure building. They are week-long journeys, immersing us in nature, song, story, healing modalities and creative adventure. They are all about developing truth, integrity, intuition and creative output.
This particular experience was born organically from my friendship with Will, following our first net installation project together in 2023. The weaving skill is such a therapeutic art-form, and brings about a sense of true flow, method and progress. It fulfils perfectly the criteria for the OhmBrella retreats which are centred around building community through ritual, ceremony, routine and common goals.

My vision was always to share experiences with others that are truly transformational in essence. Where we are not changing and transforming; we are stuck. In order to gain new perspectives and clarity, we need to step out of the comfort zone. The further we step, the more we will learn and see. We need to learn new skills to change as a person, and actualise new characteristics in that new person-hood to open up new kinds of situation for us. Perhaps we don't want to change right now...that's ok too! But being around others in a state of change is also inspiring and highly stimulating. Playfulness alone is a stimulus.
To create spaces and routines that allow all of this, is my creativity. Routines that are therapeutic in rhythm and rich in texture. To put us in an expanding cascade of new feelings and sensations. To jolt the system into joy, and send a bolt of electricity into the spirit. Never has it been so important that we lean into our individual truths and see how beautiful and creative we truly are. And to be given the tools and the space in which to deepen our connection to our own natural inner truth and creativity. These are the worlds I am building for others.
I want to extend my most heartfelt thank you again to all the people involved. The group of amazing, adventurous participant souls; seeking inspiration and transformative perspectives, with willing and open hearts, all worked hard to learn everything possible - that's what made the week so special.
In a world of great anguish, sorrow, loss and uncertainty - we weaved an amazing net, saved the life of a hedgehog, brought 12 nations together under one roof, sang songs, expanded consciousness, let go of unwanted energy and forged new relationships. Under a full moon, no less.
2025 Retreat plans will be announced in the next few days.
Gratitude, Respect and Love.

PS. I want to add here an enormous thank you to Dan Hussey (Breathe Slow Dan) who... for reasons to do with combined dyslexia and doing film edits on the motorways... didn't make the film credits ;( ! He is such an important member of this journey and needs to be mentioned in Bold. Dan, so much love.
Film produced by Orban Wallace, Gallivant Films.
If you're interested to join one of the next retreats, please send your details to
Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page: